
Souvenir History of Bruce Beach/The McCosh Grove Limited

From Bruce Beach Wiki

History of the McCosh-Grove Limited

IT is not only true that "necessity is the mother of invention" but it is equally true that necessity is the father of progressive enterprise, for out of the necessity of a situation grew the Joint Stock Company that bears the name of T lJe McCosb-Grol'e, Limited.

\,(!ith the southern end of Our Golf Course plowed up and the ,northern end rendered impossible by wet ground, caused by Spring floods, necessity led to the purchase of the 1'\'lcCosh property as a permanent Bruce Beach play ground.

It was in the early days of the month of August, 1925, that the writer and his wife received an invitation frc.m Me. and Mrs, D. E. Kennedy to a Marshmallow roast at their cottage at 8 p.m.

The invitation was accepted and after they had enjoyed the hospitality of their host and hostess around a bonfire the subject of procuring grounds for a pelmanent Golf Course was discussed.

The party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kennedy, Dr. and Mrs. Gerala \'\/ilson and Rev. WI. A. and Mrs. Bradley.

It was pointed out by Mr. D. E. Kennedy that the outlook for sport at the Beach ,in the future was not bright. That the Golf grounds were being contracted, and we might find on coming to the Beach some year, that not only was golf out of the question, but that access to our cottages might be blocked.

After a free expression of opinion, and viewing the situation from all angles, it was decided to approach Mr: Robert McCosh, with a view to purchasing his propert}' between the forcE'd road and the lake £ront. Arrangernents were: made to meet Mr. McCosh at a certain date. NfL Bradley was invited to be OGe of the party.

According to arrangements the party ccr:sistil\S .if Me. John Kennedy, Mr. D. E. Kennedy, Dr. Gerald Wilson and Re\". \'{/. A. Bradley met with 1\1r. McCosh, at his home at the specified'hour, August 17th, 192'5. 11J. McCosh was requested to put a price upon the above mentioned property. He asked S3000.08. There was nO hagglinr: over the amount. The offer \\'as accepted, and a'-'~ub~tantial cheque handed him to bind the bargain.

Then and' there the \\'fltmgs were drawn up \\'ith the Party of the first part and Party of the second part, used with all the nicety of a Philadelphia lawyer, and the signatures of Lvlr. D. E. Kennedy, ML R. McCosh and Dr. Gerald \,{/ilson attached, and witnessed by Mr. Jobn Kennedy and Rev. WI. A. Bradley.

In the agreement Me McCosh and his successor are given the right of way over the present road to the lake, and also the lise of the ,vell on the property. Further XvIr. .i\IcCosh, as long as he resides on his present farm, is given the use of the orchard fruit, pasture land, and fallen timber, in exchange for which he agrees to cut the hay and grass on the land sold up to June the first of each rear, but this latter agreement terminates with his re~110val from his present farm.

Subseguently a joint deed was made out in favour of Me D. E. Kennedy and Dr. Wilson. The sum of $50G.00 was paid Mr. McCosh, and a mortgage given for two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) to run ten years, with interest at 6% per annum. Thus the 40 acres in question became the property of Mr. Kennedy and Dr. Wilson.

It is needless to say that this transaction created a good deal of talk On the, Beach, some expressing grave fears as to what would happen. But the excitement soon cooled down, as calmer judgment prevailed.

Due to the expressed wish of Mr. McCosh, that the cottagers behind his property ",houl.d have some Ownership in the property, aSSurance was given him by the purchasers, that an opporrunity would be given them of forming a joint stock Company, and becoming possessors of the land, if the option was taken up within a year's time.

This opportunity the cottagers took advantage of and at a meeting held August 10th, 1926, in Mr. Kennedy's cottage, almost every cottager behind and adjacent to the purchased property was present.

Rev. J. u. Stewart was appointed Chairman, and. \'(l. A. Bradley, secretary. After full discussion it was unanimously decided to form a Joint Stock Company and take over the option, The amount to be paid for the property was three thousand dollars ($3000.00). Two thousand eight hundred dollars ($2.800.00) ""!l"",o,,k scribed by those present at the meeting of that evening. It \\"as decided to apply for a charter, ~,nd it \Y~.s su)::gested that the Company bear the name of :McCosh . It L ~~'as accordingly agreed to call the Company The ,1/cC()Jb-Grol"e, Limited. The shares were placed at S5000 apiece. The charter which cost S100.00 was ob~ ain~d on December 3rd, 1928. The follo\\'ing officers were elected: Hon. Pres., Mr. Angus Munn; Pre~;: nIr: 1"' S' Anderson' Vice Pres., Dr. Gerald A. \\ lison, S~~·-T;eas., NfL D. E. Kennedy; Directors, Dr. J. M. Young and Mi. Duncan Munn. The property was ~se~ for Golf and Tennis purposes throughout the hohda} season.

. The following year a course of nine holes was laid out by Me Ritchie, and ML Alex. IvfcCosh engaged as careta'ker of the grounds.

1n the same year extensive improvements were made on the hill. Posts, to which a strong cable. w~s attacl~ed, were p1a ced 0 n tl1e danger side , as a protectIOn agamd s1t accidents. The cable was donated by Mr. D. E. Kenne }. Before the first annual meeting of the Company was held the President Mr. James S. Ander~on, was 'calle d away b V death • At this meeting, whIC1h wads Ph el"d A ugust '6tl1', 19?_7, Rev. W. A. Bradley was e ecte res!- dent.

The Company took over :Mr. \Y!. A. Bradley's garagt:~ that stood at the right hand of the .entrance to _ the d d had it moved to a convel11ent place, a~ an {!roun 5, an hie mower and implement house, in w~1ich to store t e 10[5 - other golf paraphernalIa.

A new wire fence was built along the front of dthe ert' and a new gate placed at the ent.rance, an at b~~l; sides of the property, in conjunction W!t~ l\~ F;~nk Tout on the South, and Iv1r. Steve Tout on t e or , a new wire fence was built.

Mr Kennedy also ordered and procured 20.()0 YOll~g , t' 1000 Red pine and 1000 Scotch pille to e ~;:~te~ee~~t by the members of the company. Many have taken advantage of the opportunity, and have planted young pines on their cottage lots.

To prevent autoists from driving over a portion of the \'(1 estern part of the golf course, a new road was cut through behind the cottages, extending from the road to the Lake, north to 1\'1r. Steve Tout's fence, Clay was put upon the sand and gravel upon the clay making a substantial road. This enabled a number of stock holders to build garages close to their cottages.

To build a garage or other buildings on the Company's property, the consent of the Property Committee must be obtained. The present Grounds committee, are Mr. Thomas Kennedy, 1'>'1r. D. E. Kennedy and Mr. D. Munn.

With improvements amounting to more than $500. 00, apart from the amount spent on the property by the Golf Club, it. speaks well for the enterprise of the Company that on September 16th, 1933, the mOl:tgage was paid off and discharged.

At the annual meeting of the Company held July 29th, 1933, permission was given to the Golf Club to erect a club house at the first Tee. This building was completed during the month of August of the same year. An agreement was made with the Golf Club, whereby the latter shall pay to the Company $50.00 on or before the first day of August in each succeeding year. This amount goes to pay the Government tax, and local taxes of the MuniCipality.

The dub also agrees to give certain special Goif privileges to the stock holders of the Company. And further agrees to maintain the Golf Course, and keep the Company's property in repair. This agreement hcwever is subject to revision at the annual meeting of either organization in any s':1bsequent year.

It is with no small degree of satisfaction that we look back upon the transactions of the past few years, and feel that we have accomplished something for ourselves, and something that will be of benefit to future residents of this part of the Beach, and in a certain degree to all dwellers of the Beach. First by securing a safe ami undisputed 'way to our cottages for the future, and second by providing a playground which is at the disposal of alL who prize a game of Golf or Tennis, during the holiday spent at their summer cottages.

We are grateful for the foreSight and enterprise that have made the McCosh-Grove Limited possible.