History of the Young Ladies' Orchestra and Glee Club

THE Ladies Orchestra dates back to 1918. That summer a number young musicians met in the Bradley cottage previous to the concert of that year. They invited Mrs. Duncan Munn, and intimated their intention of organizing a Ladies' orchestra. She encouraged them in their project and lent valuable assistance for two rears. The Orchestra was organized and preparation made for their first appearance at the coming annual Concert.

The original Orchestra consisted of Mrs. Duncan Munn and Miss Irene Harnwell (guitars). Miss Mildred Bradley (mandolin), Miss Beatrice Huff, Miss Eloise Baird and Miss Beth JvfcLennan (ukel eles ).

Under the instruction of Miss Beatrice Huff the orchestra put on at the Concert a number entitled THE HUMAN ZENEPHONE, which for technique and clever performance has seldom been equalled. The eight ladies composing it-all competent musicians-represented an octave. TheIr names were Miss Beatrice and Miss Marian Huff, Miss Irene and Miss Muriel H:vl1well, Miss Florence Bradley. Miss Beth i\~cLennan. Miss Eloise Baird and Miss Stanley. Miss Mildred Bradley was the director and musician who played on tb~ Zenephone.

The tuning up of the instrument was an amusing part of the performance. This was done by twisting the ear of the lady representing the note. They were all out of tune. but 11iss Elnise Raird. who always sounded her note (c natural) correctlv. From this note the other human notes were tuned.

After an ;lmusinp amount of ear t\yisting and sounding the name of their perspective note, the instrument was tuned.

Miss Bradley then ran up and down the scale touching each human key with her baton, and each lady named her own note in tune correctly. She then addressed the audience in the following words.

"This unique instrument has sounded forth its melodious notes before such distinguished personages as the Rev. Dougal Angus. D.D. L.L.D. of Toronto and Dr. ]. F. McKenzie L.D.S., D.D.S., of Detroit and several other notables. That the Company was passing from Kincardine to Starvation Point, and, haying a spare evenil1g. at the earnest solicitation of the Campers of Bruce Beach she bad been prevailed upon to give them a performance on this wonderful instrument, THE HUMAN ZENEPHONE.

She announced that the number to be played would be Old Black Joe. She then touched with her baton the respective human keys and the .old familiar tune \yas sung, each naming her note, when touched. The verse was then repeated, each naming the word when touched.

The Ladies of the Orchestra received many congratulations and unstinted praise for their amusing production.

The Orchestra increased in numbers and instruments and the instrumental numbers of the orchestra were ~ pleasing feature of the concerts from year to year.

To the Orchestra fell also the duty of preparing the programme, and secufll1g the chairman for the annual Concert.

As time advanced the members of the original orchesJra fell out, and as stririged-instruments became less numerous at the Beach, the Orchestra became the Young Ladies' Glee Club, The latter were no less competent than their pr::decessors in putting On amusing stunts for the entertainment of the audience at the annual Concert. A few are here mentioned.

The El'o/1Itil)ll of /l'(j 1l1a1'riage Prop()Jal. Frr;D1 the cave man "+0 by speed of foot and physical prowess captured his bride. through many periods and mutation!'. to the 'modern suitor clown on his knees pleading in plaintive tones to be accepted by the indiHerent flapper, who stood over him unmoved by his entreaties.

Another, Lord U I/il} 'J Dau gblel', where the daughter and her lover were seen fleeing from an angry father. And another Thc' E[,()/NtioJ] of tbe R11bil/g 5l/il. This had to be seen in order to be fully appreciated, What abbreviations time has made on the aquatic dress of the summer resorts!

The annual concerts 'would have been incomplete without the instrumental and \'oeal numbers and the amusing stunts put on by the Ladies' Orchestra and Glee Club.