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Up to this date the population had been composed entirely of the lay element, but in the year 1903 the clerical element appeared in the person of Rev. Robert Martin of Erskine Church Hamilton, later• Dr. Martin of Knox Church, Stratford, and First United Church, St. Thomas. Dr. Martin's arrival signalized. a clerical movement toward the Beach, which has resulted in the addition to the population of many others of that profession.
Up to this date the population had been composed entirely of the lay element, but in the year 1903 the clerical element appeared in the person of Rev. Robert Martin of Erskine Church Hamilton, later• Dr. Martin of Knox Church, Stratford, and First United Church, St. Thomas. Dr. Martin's arrival signalized. a clerical movement toward the Beach, which has resulted in the addition to the population of many others of that profession.
Mr. Martin was followed in 1904 by Rev. Mr. McNab of Walton, later of Underwood, and for three years these two brethren were the only eccles¬iastics on the shore. By this time the location began to be known as "Bruce Beach" -which name was given to it by Mrs. James S. Anderson.
Mr. Martin was followed in 1904 by Rev. Mr. McNab of Walton, later of Underwood, and for three years these two brethren were the only ecclesiastics on the shore. By this time the location began to be known as "Bruce Beach" -which name was given to it by Mrs. James S. Anderson.
In 1907 the fraternity that usually knows a good thing, when it is visible, was enlarged by the appearance of Revs. I:v1cNamara, of Drayton, Perrie of Wingham, Burnett of Molesworth, McLeod of Ripley, and Dobson of Fordwich, each of whom erected cottages. After five years Mr. McNamara disposed of his cottage to Mr. Maxwell, while Mr. McLeod almost immediately after the first season, also disposed of his, and left for Scot¬land. Iv1r. Burnett summered at the Beach for some years, but after his removal to Dorchester, Ontario, he was called to his eternal rest, and Mrs. Burnett sold the cottage to Rev.. William Cooper of Mount Forest in 1914, in which year Mr. Cooper became a resident of the Beach. But we must not neglect to mention here,• that the Royal game of Golf, which had been introduced by Dr. Martin, and an organization affected in 1907, was empha¬sised. The mime given to the Association was The Bruce Beach Golf Club, and it has done much to enliven and invigorate the social life of the' Beach.
In 1907 the fraternity that usually knows a good thing, when it is visible, was enlarged by the appearance of Revs. I:v1cNamara, of Drayton, Perrie of Wingham, Burnett of Molesworth, McLeod of Ripley, and Dobson of Fordwich, each of whom erected cottages. After five years Mr. McNamara disposed of his cottage to Mr. Maxwell, while Mr. McLeod almost immediately after the first season, also disposed of his, and left for Scot¬land. Iv1r. Burnett summered at the Beach for some years, but after his removal to Dorchester, Ontario, he was called to his eternal rest, and Mrs. Burnett sold the cottage to Rev.. William Cooper of Mount Forest in 1914, in which year Mr. Cooper became a resident of the Beach. But we must not neglect to mention here,• that the Royal game of Golf, which had been introduced by Dr. Martin, and an organization affected in 1907, was empha¬sised. The mime given to the Association was The Bruce Beach Golf Club, and it has done much to enliven and invigorate the social life of the' Beach.

Revision as of 18:49, 13 August 2008


In 1900 Mr. James S. Anderson purchased the Kennedy-Jackson cottage, which has since been greatly enlarged and beautified. From the beginning of the encampment the founders insisted on a reverent regard for the Sabbath, and for religious worship. Accordingly religious services were held each Lord's Day evening in a tent furnished by Mr. James Anderson, and later in the open air on McCosh's flats, near the hill leading to the road. The colony was thus auspiciously begun.


In 1902 Mr. Chapman built a cottage now known as the Harris Cottage. The Harris family having acquired it a few years later.


Up to this date the population had been composed entirely of the lay element, but in the year 1903 the clerical element appeared in the person of Rev. Robert Martin of Erskine Church Hamilton, later• Dr. Martin of Knox Church, Stratford, and First United Church, St. Thomas. Dr. Martin's arrival signalized. a clerical movement toward the Beach, which has resulted in the addition to the population of many others of that profession.


Mr. Martin was followed in 1904 by Rev. Mr. McNab of Walton, later of Underwood, and for three years these two brethren were the only ecclesiastics on the shore. By this time the location began to be known as "Bruce Beach" -which name was given to it by Mrs. James S. Anderson.


In 1907 the fraternity that usually knows a good thing, when it is visible, was enlarged by the appearance of Revs. I:v1cNamara, of Drayton, Perrie of Wingham, Burnett of Molesworth, McLeod of Ripley, and Dobson of Fordwich, each of whom erected cottages. After five years Mr. McNamara disposed of his cottage to Mr. Maxwell, while Mr. McLeod almost immediately after the first season, also disposed of his, and left for Scot¬land. Iv1r. Burnett summered at the Beach for some years, but after his removal to Dorchester, Ontario, he was called to his eternal rest, and Mrs. Burnett sold the cottage to Rev.. William Cooper of Mount Forest in 1914, in which year Mr. Cooper became a resident of the Beach. But we must not neglect to mention here,• that the Royal game of Golf, which had been introduced by Dr. Martin, and an organization affected in 1907, was empha¬sised. The mime given to the Association was The Bruce Beach Golf Club, and it has done much to enliven and invigorate the social life of the' Beach.


The season of 1908 saw a considerable addition to the place, as during that year the Revs. W. J. West, D. T. L. McKerroll and W. A. Bremner .and Messrs. Archer and Hamilton erected cottages. It was during this year also that the Bruce Beach Campers Association, which has done so much for the general good of the community, was organized.


During the year 1909 there were no building operations, but in 1910 Mr. Barker of Lansing, Michigan, Mr. Treleavan of Ripley, Mr. John S. Robertson of Ripley and Mr. Pollock of Ripley joined the company and erected cottages. Mrs. Barker in 1915 disposed of her cottage to Rev. A. J Mann of Brussels, who then joined the ranks.

About this time the Camper's Association instituted Field Day, and Regatta Day sports.